
Python in VSCode: How do you run a previous command?

I'm kind of new to software development. Outside of VSCode, I can open up a terminal (let's say PowerShell), run python in it, type in a command (like 2+2), be able to click the up arrow key to find my previous command so that I can run it again.

If I run PowerShell in VSCode and do the same thing, nothing happens when I click the up arrow where I would expect my previous command to be cycled.

Is this a problem with my Python or VSCode? I've been looking for a solution for this but haven't found many useful topics on this.


  • This was going to just be a comment but its too long. Sorry it isn't more informative than it is. This is kind of an odd problem because VSCode isn't a true IDE. It doesn't have its own shell and just hijacks your powershell or bash terminal, depending on which OS you are using. You should be able to use your up and down arrows just like you can in powershell. I have tested it on my own VSCode installation and it works fine for me. If it's a problem, it's not with python, since VSCode will interact with the terminal the same way no matter which language you are using it for, so its probably with VSCode or your terminal. I have heard of others having issues with up arrow autocomplete in bash, so if you are connecting to a bash terminal that could be it, but I've never heard of it glitching in powershell. I'd say check which terminal you are using, see if the problem persists when you change terminals, and try reinstalling VSCode if it does. Past that, I don't know what to tell you.