
Drupal VIews Exposed Filter: Taxonomy Select List?

Drupal 6: I have a view (version 2) with an exposed filter on taxonomy term name. The provided exposed widget is a text field with 'Apply' button. What I'm trying to do is to have a drop down populated from a specific vocabulary ('Provinces' vocab consisting of terms 'BC', 'AB', 'SK', etc.), not a free text field.

I thought once I expose the filter I would get the option for a select list, but I don't. All I get is 'Operator (Is equal to, Is not equal to, etc.)' - 'Value (blank field)' - 'optional (check box)'...

I thought that this would be a pretty common thing to do but all my google-ing has found no answer.

Anybody know of a way to do this?


  • You have to expose the The taxonomy term ID not the The taxonomy term name in order to get the little gear icon so that you can get the drop-down.