
How can I get a Netty server to reload a TLS certificate when it is renewed?

I have a Netty-based server that uses PEM-encoded certificate files that are periodically re-issued (by Let's Encrypt). Netty fully supports loading the PEM crypto material, but when the certificate (.cer file) is later re-issued, the server needs to be restarted to see it.

I have handled this up until now by adding a custom channel init handler to add the logic to reload the cert and add an appropriate SSLHandler built from that. But now I'm wanting to use Aleph, and it expects a Netty SSLContext object for TLS.

This seems like a topical and general problem with the growing popularity of Let's Encrypt and its relatively short-lived certs, and I'd like to solve it properly. Which means a Netty-compatible way to create an SSLContext that will reload its certificate(s) if they change on disk.

Some approaches I've come up with:

  1. Make a dynamic trust manager/trust store, then plug that into the Netty SSLContextBuilder. Could use this is a starting point, and take some of the code to load the key/cert from Programmatically Obtain KeyStore from PEM (Netty’s PEM -> KeyStore logic is not public in the SSLContext class). Upside: works outside Netty too. Downside: complicated and doesn’t reuse Netty’s existing logic to load PEM keys and certs.

  2. Add this as a Netty-supported option.

Can anyone point me to a solution, or suggest the best way forward to building one?


  • Answering my own question.

    The answer is: don't do it at this level. Instead, have something outside the Netty stack monitor the cert, and when the cert changes remove the existing SSL handler from the pipeline and replace it with a new one with a SSLContext created from the new cert.