
How to add a play/pause button in revolution slider in wordpress

I have a revolution slider with a video from vimeo, that video autoplays when the web page is loaded, but due the Google Chrome autoplay policy changes, in google chrome does not autoplay it only works when I click on the video, but I want a button, so how can I add a play button in my revolution slider?

I have tried what in this page is explained, but it doesn't work for me. https://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/layer-actions-links/#play-pause-slider https://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/layer-actions-links/#play-pause-video

Thank you!


  • Add a button from "Add Layer".

    enter image description here

    Now go to Actions and add Click event as "Start Media".

    enter image description here

    And I hope you added video like this.

    enter image description here