Have installed Elasticsearch-6.6.0 and kibana-6.6.0 in Windows core 2016 Server it is up and running, I had to index the data from Rabbitmq, so downloaded and unzipped logstash-6.0.0 and made a config file for rabbitmq as follows
input {
rabbitmq {
arguments => { "x-ha-policy" => "all" }
host => "172.xx.xx.xx"
queue => "xx.flow.queue"
#durable => true
key => "flowtrack"
exchange => "xx.test.exchange"
threads => 120
exclusive => false
prefetch_count => 512
vhost => "/"
port => 5672
user => "usr"
password => "Pass@123"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["172.xx.xx.xx:9200"]
Ran logstash through commandline as follows
c:\logstash-6.0.0>bin\logstash -f config\rabbitmq.conf
but it throws error as follows
[2019-02-20T23:01:28,696][ERROR][logstash.inputs.rabbitmq ] RabbitMQ connection error, will retry. {:error_message=>"Connection to localhost:5672 refused", :exception=>"MarchHare::ConnectionRefused"}
[2019-02-20T23:01:28,696][ERROR][logstash.inputs.rabbitmq ] RabbitMQ connection error, will retry. {:error_message=>"Connection to localhost:5672 refused", :exception=>"MarchHare::ConnectionRefused"}
Port 5672 is open in host Let me know if i have missed anything in configuration which is leading to this error.
Thanks in advance
Have found the issue, it was due to route not enabled in server. Now connection between Logstash and Rabbitmq is established and indexing is done.