
Get information from two vertices in Azure CosmosDB Graph (GREMLIN API)

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I would like to create a query which gets information from two vertices. I have Vertex A and Vertex B and I need from Vertex A the value of property label and of properties array the value schema. From Vertex B I only would like to get the value of property name. I tried multiple queries to get the result like:

     "label" : "anySubTypeName",
     "schema": ".....",
     "name"  : "anyTypeName"

I was able to get properties name of each vertex but not schema with following query:

     .select("subtype", "type").by("id")


    "subtype": "anySubTypeName",
    "type"   :  "anyTypeName"

Can anyone help me that I also can get schema as part of the result?


  • I found an answer to get the expected result with the following query:

         .select("subtype", "type").by("id")