// EDIT //
Below is the original question, but my problem can be really simplified with one question... how can I get the below output without using user variables?!
SELECT ID, @cumu_return:=IF(id = 1, 1, @cumu_return + (@cumu_return * ret)) AS cumulative_return
SELECT 1 AS ID, 1 AS num, 0.1 AS ret UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS ID, 1 AS num, 0.1 AS ret UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS ID, 1 AS num, 0.1 AS ret UNION ALL
SELECT 4 AS ID, 1 AS num, 0.1 AS ret UNION ALL
SELECT 5 AS ID, 1 AS num, 0.1 AS ret
) t
// END EDIT //
I have a table as follows...
CREATE TABLE `daily_return` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`list_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`last_updated` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00',
`daily_return` float NOT NULL,
`last_return` float NOT NULL, KEY (`id`)
'daily return' is a percentage change in the price for a list_id, calculated every day and the last_return is the first/starting return number.
I need to calculate a cumulative return metric using the following logic:
'Previous Day Return' + ('Previous Day Return' * 'Daily Return')
Hence, I have the following query...
INSERT INTO cmc_cumulative_return (list_id, last_updated, cumulative_return)
SELECT list_id, last_updated, cumulative_return FROM (
SELECT id, list_id, last_updated, daily_return, last_return,
@cumu_return:=IF(id = 1, last_return, @cumu_return + (@cumu_return * daily_return)) AS cumulative_return
FROM daily_return c
) t WHERE id <> 1;
When I run this inside a procedure, it throws a warning:
Setting user variables within expressions is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please set variables in separate statements instead.
I have seen some other similar questions on stackoverflow, but they were all simple increment calculations that can be replaced by ROW_NUMBER() OVER or SUM() OVER, but I am unable to figure out how to remove variables in my query above.
Originally, I was using 3-4 variables, but now I have got it down to one and request your help removing the last one.
Query with actual data: (Gordon's calculation included)
SELECT id, list_id, last_updated, daily_return, last_return,
@cumu_return:=IF(id = 1, last_return, @cumu_return + (@cumu_return * daily_return)) AS cumulative_return,
EXP(SUM(LN(1 + daily_return)) OVER (ORDER BY id)) / (1 + daily_return)
) as cumulative_return2
SELECT 1 AS id, 2 AS list_id, '2019-02-20' AS last_updated, 0 AS daily_return, 1.15 AS last_return UNION ALL
SELECT 2 AS id, 2 AS list_id, '2019-02-21' AS last_updated, 0.0145999858 AS daily_return, 1.15 AS last_return UNION ALL
SELECT 3 AS id, 2 AS list_id, '2019-02-22' AS last_updated, -0.0503679203 AS daily_return, 1.15 AS last_return UNION ALL
SELECT 4 AS id, 2 AS list_id, '2019-02-23' AS last_updated, 0.0111594238 AS daily_return, 1.15 AS last_return
) t
You can use natural logs and exponentiation for the cumulative product calculation.
INSERT INTO cmc_cumulative_return (list_id, last_updated, cumulative_return)
SELECT list_id, last_updated,
(MAX(CASE WHEN id = 1 THEN last_return END) OVER () *
EXP(SUM(LN(1 + daily_return)) OVER (ORDER BY id)
) / (1 + daily_return)
) as cumulative_return
FROM daily_return c;
If you really want to exclude where id = 1, then that requires an additional level of subqueries.
Here is a db<>fiddle.