
AngularJS (yeoman generator) using ng-boostrap library import problem

I've built an angular project using yeoman generator see there

yo angular testapp

I've used bower to install the ng-boostrap library.

bower install ng-bootstrap 

Normally, I import the ".js" file to my "index.html" file and add the module name into my "app.js" file like below :

  .module('testApp', [
    modules names...

I don't know how am I supposed to use the library (can't find any ".js" to include) ? I've red the documentation from ng-bootstrap official website and yeoman angular generator aswell but i'm still stuck on the problem.

Comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  • Might be because ng-bootstrap is built for Angular (V2.X onwards) and is based on typescript (.ts).

    AngularJS (V1.X) is based on vanilla JS (.js). Sounds like what you're after is ui-bootstrap