
How to transfer specific columns of a table in one database into another database?

I am using pgAdmin 4 for PostgreSQL. I have two databases A and B each having a table called records. In database A, table records has 3 columns person_id, shop_freq and time, and has about 1000 rows. While in database B, table records has 4 columns person_id, shop_freq, start_time and end_time, and is empty.

I want to transfer the data of columns person_id and shop_freq from database A to their corresponding columns in database B, and then transfer column time of database A to column start_time, and pass random data (for instance about 1 to 2 months after the start time) to the column end_time.

How can I do such a thing in an easy and clean way in pgAdmin itself?


  • You can use the COPY statement to export the data to a file on the database server and use COPY with column names to load them into the other database.

    To fill the missing column, run an UPDATE statement after the import.