
Thorntail MP JWT / Undertow: required authentication

I'm trying to set up a JAX-RS-service in thorntail with JWT authentication. Everything works fine (I can inject Principal and user is correctly set), except that in case of a failed authentication, answer is still sent without any 401-HTTP-Header. What I've done is:

What else do I need to do in order for this to work properly? Do I need to add any annotations to my Endpoint? As I said, I want to return a 401 in case of a failed authentication.

What I've found out so far: JASPICAuthenticationMechanism.isMandatory needs to return true in order for this to work. If this is the case JWTAuthMechanism.sendChallenge is triggered after a failure of JWTAuthMechanism.authenticate and so a 401 is sent to the client. But i have no idea, in which cases isMandatory returns true.

Thanks for any help in this case!


  • Solution (thanks to Ladicek, see comments below):

    If you want to use MP JWT, don't start it with Swarm and don't forget to set flag useUberJar if starting it with thorntail:run.