I am trying to compare two dataframe date columns.
In the first dataframe
Name DOB
Alex 25071986
Jane 14122002
Sujan 28021999
The DOB in ddmmyyyy
In the other dataframe
Name DOB
Alex 0250786
Jane 1141202
Sujan 0280299
The DOB is in cddmmyy
Here c represnts the century elapse from 1900. So for 1986 it is 0, for 2002 it is 1 and so on...
What I have done so far is:
1) abc <- lubridate::mdy(df1[,DOB])
which shows abc
2) a <- strftime(abc, format = "%C%d%m%y")
which gives me CCDDMMYY
for example for 2016-12-11
it gives 20111216
Which is not what I need, I need it to be 1111216
Can someone help?
As suggested by @Rui Barradas,
sprintf("%d%s", lubridate::year(abc) %/% 100 - 19, strftime(abc, format = "%d%m%y"))
did the job for me.