
Python: how to read a url with ".data " suffix

I'm trying to read data from this url - "" into a pandas dataframe.

I've used this technique:

 park_df = pd.read_html(' 
 databases/parkinsons/', header=0, flavor='bs4')

but I get an error as shown below:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-804373f977ab> in <module>()
----> 1 park_df = pd.read_html(' 
learning-databases/parkinsons/', header=0, flavor='bs4')

~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\ in 
read_html(io, match, flavor, header, index_col, skiprows, attrs, 
parse_dates, tupleize_cols, thousands, encoding, decimal, converters, 
na_values, keep_default_na, displayed_only)
    985                   decimal=decimal, converters=converters, 
    986                   keep_default_na=keep_default_na,
--> 987                   displayed_only=displayed_only)

~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\ in 
_parse(flavor, io, match, attrs, encoding, displayed_only, **kwargs)
    813             break
    814     else:
--> 815         raise_with_traceback(retained)
    817     ret = []

packages\pandas\compat\ in raise_with_traceback(exc, traceback)
    402         if traceback == Ellipsis:
    403             _, _, traceback = sys.exc_info()
--> 404         raise exc.with_traceback(traceback)
    405 else:
    406     # this version of raise is a syntax error in Python 3

ValueError: No tables found

Can you suggest what I'm doing wrong here, what else could be a better option. Please do open the url to check how the data looks, with the header in the 1st row (containing column names) and data following further below.


  • Function read_html is used for convert html tables to pandas DataFrame, for convert csv format use read_csv:

    url = ''
    df = pd.read_csv(url)
    print (df.head())
                 name  MDVP:Fo(Hz)  MDVP:Fhi(Hz)  MDVP:Flo(Hz)  MDVP:Jitter(%)  \
    0  phon_R01_S01_1      119.992       157.302        74.997         0.00784   
    1  phon_R01_S01_2      122.400       148.650       113.819         0.00968   
    2  phon_R01_S01_3      116.682       131.111       111.555         0.01050   
    3  phon_R01_S01_4      116.676       137.871       111.366         0.00997   
    4  phon_R01_S01_5      116.014       141.781       110.655         0.01284   
       MDVP:Jitter(Abs)  MDVP:RAP  MDVP:PPQ  Jitter:DDP  MDVP:Shimmer  ...  \
    0           0.00007   0.00370   0.00554     0.01109       0.04374  ...   
    1           0.00008   0.00465   0.00696     0.01394       0.06134  ...   
    2           0.00009   0.00544   0.00781     0.01633       0.05233  ...   
    3           0.00009   0.00502   0.00698     0.01505       0.05492  ...   
    4           0.00011   0.00655   0.00908     0.01966       0.06425  ...   
       Shimmer:DDA      NHR     HNR  status      RPDE       DFA   spread1  \
    0      0.06545  0.02211  21.033       1  0.414783  0.815285 -4.813031   
    1      0.09403  0.01929  19.085       1  0.458359  0.819521 -4.075192   
    2      0.08270  0.01309  20.651       1  0.429895  0.825288 -4.443179   
    3      0.08771  0.01353  20.644       1  0.434969  0.819235 -4.117501   
    4      0.10470  0.01767  19.649       1  0.417356  0.823484 -3.747787   
        spread2        D2       PPE  
    0  0.266482  2.301442  0.284654  
    1  0.335590  2.486855  0.368674  
    2  0.311173  2.342259  0.332634  
    3  0.334147  2.405554  0.368975  
    4  0.234513  2.332180  0.410335  
    [5 rows x 24 columns]