
How do I interrupt writing an assembly using the Mako SDK?

I'm writing an assembly using the Mako SDK. I'm using the writeAssembly(...) method of IPDFOutput, but I don't know how I can cancel writing the assembly, if it's a large, long running file.

I see that I can provide a ProgressCallbackFunc, but I'm not sure how to signal the write to be cancelled.

How I can interrupt the writing the assembly?


  • The call to writeAssembly(...) includes a parameter for a progress call back, as you pointed out. From the callback, you can simply throw an error from there to terminate interrupt and end the writeAssembly(...) call.

    An example of a callback function that terminates when ESC is pressed may look like:

    static void progressFunc(void *priv, float progress)
        wprintf(L"Percentage complete: %3.1f%%\r", progress * 100.0);
        if (_kbhit())
            if (_getch() == 27) // ESC;

    The writeAssembly(...) call would then look like this:

    output->writeAssembly(assembly, outputFilePath, progressFunc);