
MS Access capture certain group of text, append, and loop onto next section in a long text field

I have a long text field (called "reporttext") that someone is importing a bunch of text that needs to be separated and appended into another table. For each case, there's a "[]" character that is supposed to separate each case. I want my code to look for the first [] and second [], append the text to another table and then loop. So the next case would be the text between the second [] and third [].

Here's my string

Reporttext: [] ksfjjls [] 42244 [] @@@@

I would want this to append to a new table called "notes" where it would be like this:


I used a macro to count the number of [] in the text file to know how many times to run the loop, but this, along with the rest of my code just isn't happening. I know my code is wrong, but I know with a few tweaks it'll get there. Any help is appreciated.

lengthofnote = Len([reporttext])
start = InStr([reporttext], "[]")
startplus3 = [start] + 3
'find number of cases
firstcase = 1
numcases = StringCountOccurrences([reporttext], "[]")
Dim LCounter As Integer

  For LCounter = [firstcase] To [numcases]
    revisedreporttext = Mid([reporttext], [startplus3], [lengthofnote])
    secondposition = InStr([revisedreporttext], "[]")
    nextreporttext = Mid([reporttext], [startplus3], [secondposition])
    Add_reporttext = "INSERT INTO notes(reporttext) values ('" & nextreporttext & "');"
    DoCmd.RunSQL Add_reporttext  
    firstcase = firstcase + 1
    startplus3 = secondposition
    secondposition = secondposition + 4
  Next LCounter


  • @Zev Spitz is correct in that you could use Split() to accomplish this. You could use something like this

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Sub SplitLongTextField()
        Dim rs As Recordset
        Dim reportTextArr
        Dim qString As String
        Dim i As Long
        qString = "SELECT [reporttext] FROM [Table1]" '<- replace [Table1] with the name of your table with the Long Text field
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(qString)
        If Not rs.EOF Then
            reportTextArr = Split(rs.Fields("reporttext"), "[]")
        End If
        For i = LBound(reportTextArr) To UBound(reportTextArr)
            If Not reportTextArr(i) = "" Then
                DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO notes(reporttext) VALUES('" & reportTextArr(i) & "');"
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub

    If you needed to do this for multiple records from your initial table then you could loop through the entire table and loop the operation like

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Sub SplitLongTextField()
        Dim rs As Recordset
        Dim reportTextArr
        Dim qString As String
        Dim i As Long
        qString = "SELECT [reporttext] FROM [Table1]" '<- replace [Table1] with the name of your table with the Long Text field
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(qString)
        Do Until rs.EOF
            reportTextArr = Split(rs.Fields("reporttext"), "[]")
            For i = LBound(reportTextArr) To UBound(reportTextArr)
                If Not reportTextArr(i) = "" Then
                    DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO notes(reporttext) VALUES('" & reportTextArr(i) & "');"
                End If
            Next i
    End Sub