Only a single type (Backup, Restore, ...) can be specified for any job. If you want to backup multiple FileSets on the same Client or multiple Clients, you must define a Job for each one.
I am guessing the answer is "no" to this question. FML
I created some Bacula FileSets like below to include in a Bacula Job. I need to run the same job on six different hosts (clients), but I don't have a clue on how to do it.
So, I set up some FileSets, like below:
# Wildfly FileSet
FileSet {
Name = "Wildfly"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = GZIP
File = /opt/wildfly/
# Scripts, Crontabs and Configuration files FileSet
FileSet {
Name = "Scripts Crontabs e Conf"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = GZIP
File = /usr/local/scripts/
File = /var/spool/cron/crontabs/
File = /etc
Exclude {
File = /etc/ssl/
File = /etc/ldap/
And then I created a job:
Job {
Name = "BackupMyHostName"
JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
Client = MyHostName-fd
Pool = MyBackupPolicy
It's gonna be complicated if I have to copy and paste the same code six times for each different fileset. I have 40 (forty) more servers ahead.
I'm new to Bacula, but it's been a week already and only now I am able to grasp some of the definitions of the system.
I need a kind push on the right direction for this task.
As you guessed, Bacula support a single FileSet and a single Client in a single Job. Your different jobs can share a the same single FileSet, Pool or Schedule configurations, which simplify it. Additionally you can setup a job templates: JobDefs which you can use to simplify multiple copy-paste job configurations. So, lets assume you have a single FileSet which you want to use in the multiple jobs for multiple clients. First some example configurations:
# Scripts, Crontabs and Configuration files FileSet
FileSet {
Name = "Scripts Crontabs e Conf"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
compression = GZIP
File = /usr/local/scripts/
File = /var/spool/cron/crontabs/
File = /etc
Exclude {
File = /etc/ssl/
File = /etc/ldap/
Client {
Name = client1
Address =
Client {
Name = client2
Address =
then a template JobDefs:
JobDefs {
Name = JD
Type = Backup
Priority = 10
Messages = "Standard"
WriteBootstrap = "/opt/bacula/bsr/%c-%n.bsr"
Storage = bacula-sd
FileSet = "Scripts Crontabs e Conf"
so, in this case you can create the jobs as simple as:
Job {
Name = job1
JobDefs = JD
Client = client1
Job {
Name = job2
JobDefs = JD
Client = client2
Thats all. I hope it helps.