
Name the output file as value of element in BizTalk

I have a XML source schema and an Flat file output schema.

Flat File Destination Schema:


I want the filename of output file as {LName}_{DateAndTime}. DateAndTime can be added by macros in BizTalk management console. But can the value of {LNmae} be accessed somwhow?

I got an article to dynamically change the out filename in orchestration but it works for XMLTransit pipeline only.

Please let me know if it can be achieved in BizTalk.


  • In an Orchestration or custom Pipeline Component, set the value of FILE.ReceivedFileName to your desired value: "Smith_02FEB19.txt".

    Then you can use the %SourceFileName% Macro on the FILE or FTP Adapter to create the outfile with that name.