
Xamarin - Java Library Listeners and Events?

I'm trying to access user-defined listeners in this Android library with Xamarin bindings (original here) for when the calendar is scrolled to another month or a date is selected on the calendar.

The listeners in the code given in the sample are as follows:

        compactCalendarView.setListener(new CompactCalendarView.CompactCalendarViewListener() {
        public void onDayClick(Date dateClicked) {
            List<Event> events = compactCalendarView.getEvents(dateClicked);
            Log.d(TAG, "Day was clicked: " + dateClicked + " with events " + events);

        public void onMonthScroll(Date firstDayOfNewMonth) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Month was scrolled to: " + firstDayOfNewMonth);

Specifically what I'd like to access is the onDayClick listener. The code for it in its Controller class in Java doesn't specify a button but rather calculates the position in the calendar of the date you clicked and then returns a date based on that calculation.

    void onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {

    // Don't handle single tap when calendar is scrolling and is not stationary

    if (isScrolling()) {



    int dayColumn = Math.round((paddingLeft + e.getX() - paddingWidth - paddingRight) / widthPerDay);

    int dayRow = Math.round((e.getY() - paddingHeight) / heightPerDay);

    setCalenderToFirstDayOfMonth(calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth, currentDate, monthsScrolledSoFar(), 0);

    int firstDayOfMonth = getDayOfWeek(calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth);

    int dayOfMonth = ((dayRow - 1) * 7) - firstDayOfMonth;

    if (isRtl) {

        dayOfMonth +=  6 - dayColumn;

    } else {

        dayOfMonth += dayColumn;


    if (dayOfMonth < calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)

            && dayOfMonth >= 0) {

        calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth.add(Calendar.DATE, dayOfMonth);





Attempting to declare a listener as CompactCalendarView.ICompactCalendarViewListener listener; seems to declare it fine, but attempting to assign it a new CompactCalendarViewListener() gives me an "Undefined function" error.

I understand C# uses events instead of listeners, but I don't know how it handles user-defined listeners in Java libraries, or how to override events such as onDayClick/onMonthScroll.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • Your classes in Xamarin.Android using C# cannot be anonymous as C# does not support anonymous declarations what you need to do is something like this:

    compactCalendarView.SetListener(new CompactCalendarViewListener());

    And then define a class that inherits from Java.Lang.Object for Android's Dispose method and the interface that you want to use something like below:

     public class CompactCalendarViewListener : Java.Lang.Object, CompactCalendarView.ICompactCalendarViewListener
        public void OnDayClick(Date p0)
            // throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        public void OnMonthScroll(Date p0)
            //throw new System.NotImplementedException();