We have a webcontent structure “S” with “Document and Media” field.
We have created a webcontent named « W » based on the previous structure « S » with a word file attachment named “a” with “hello” text inside of it.
We know that lucene/ElasticSearch is indexing the content of the attachment if it is a word or pdf file for example.
So we do a lucene search (using booleanQuery, fitering on journalArticle) to retrieves S webcontent to match “hello” search term.
But we saw that lucene, filtering on journalArticle, return a json like object with those data :
"ddm__keyword__87940__attachements_en_US":[ {\"groupId\":\"115863\",\"title\":\"a.word\",\"type\":\"document\",\"uuid\":\"dffd1d3d-8b78-a64c-4d0c-8d004d24cb75\"}]
It only have a reference to the DLFileEntry object.
Is there is a way, with only one request, to retrieve journal article matching word’s attachment?
We saw that Liferay propose “indexer Post Processor” that could help us to store DLFileEntry data inside of a new field of our webcontent but DLFileEntry indexing is asynchronous.
What can we do ?
We found a solution :
only disadvantage is that file content is indexed twice (natively with dlFileEntry and now into journalArticle)