I have a user named Lamda
that I want to extract the OU and Domain sequence from the DistinguishedName
For example, for the DistinguishedName
of CN=Lamda,OU=OU_Bloquage,DC=Adminstrateur,DC=6NLG-AD
I want to extract the sequence OU=OU_Bloquage,DC=Adminstrateur,DC=6NLG-AD
and assign to a variable.
I tried the following script but it did not work:
$var = dsquery user -name 'Lamda' | dsget user -dn [regex]::match($var,'(?=OU)(.*\n?)(?<=.)').Value
Split by non-escaped comma once, discard the first substring:
$null,$ou = 'CN=Lamda,OU=OU_Bloquage,DC=Adminstrateur,DC=6NLG-AD' -split '(?<!\\),',2