I have an SQLite database where a column is called i18n
and contains a JSON tree where some localized strings are contained.
For example:
Now I should make a search for a partial string typed by the user inside the name
node of a passed localization.
My initial attempt is to use a regular expression but I'm afraid it could be a bit slower (everything should happens while user is typing, even if the operation is throttled).
Now I'm considering two other ways:
, IT
and so on).What's your suggestion and a simple implementation?
If your instance of sqlite was compiled with the JSON1 extension enabled, it's easy:
SELECT * FROM yourtable AS t
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT j.id FROM json_each(t.i18n) AS j
WHERE json_extract(j.value, '$.name') LIKE 'NAME_IN%');
However, a slight variation of your second idea, pulling out all these JSON sub-objects into rows of a table (Instead of one column per language, which quickly becomes unwieldy as the number of languages grows), is likely the better option:
CREATE TABLE translations(original TEXT, language TEXT, translated TEXT
, PRIMARY KEY(original, language)) WITHOUT ROWID;
INSERT INTO translations VALUES ('name', 'ru', 'название');
-- etc.
Scalable, easier to inspect and update the data, lets you retrieve just the relevant bits, performs better, etc.