
Output json file on some fields without filtering data with Shodan?

I've downloaded some JSON data from Shodan, and only want to retain some fields from it. To explore what I want, I'm running the following, which works-

shodan parse --fields ip,port --separator , "data.json.gz"

However, I now want to output/ export the data; I'm trying to run the following -

shodan parse --fields ip,port -O "data_processed.json.gz" "data.json.gz"

It's requiring me to specify a filter parameter, which I don't need. If I do add an empty filter as so, it tells me data_processes.json.gz doesn't exist.

shodan parse --fields ip,port -f -O "data_processed.json.gz" "data.json.gz"

I'm a bit stumped on how to export only certain fields of my data; how do I go about doing so?


  • If you only want to output those 2 properties then you can simply pipe them to a file:

    shodan parse --fields ip,port --separator , data.json.gz > data_processed.csv

    A few things to keep in mind:

    1. You probably want to export the ip_str property as it's a more user-friendly version of the IP address. The ip property is a numeric version of the IP address and aimed at users storing the information in a database.
    2. You can convert your data file into Excel or CSV format using the shodan convert command. For example: shodan convert data.json.gz csv See here for a quick guide: