
windows: detect same device on both bluetooth api and setupapi

I'm currently creating a program that's divided in two parts, one where I detect nearby bluetooth devices and connect them to the pc if the name match and the other where I search for the device with setupapi and get an handle for HID comunication.
My problem is that I cannot find anything that tells me that the device I just connected is the same I found in setupapi.
So in the first part I have something like this:

//--- Code omitted ---
BluetoothGetDeviceInfo(radio_handle, &btdi);
if(std::wstring(btdi.szName) == /*my name*/)
    // Device found! now connect
    BluetoothSetServiceState(radio_handle, &btdi, &HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClass_UUID, BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_ENABLE);

And the setupapi related code:

device_data.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
//--- Code omitted ---
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(device_infos, NULL, &hid_guid, index, &device_data);

I was thinking about using the bluetooth address of the device but there seem to be no way to get that from setupapi.
So, to recap, is there any way to get the address of the device from setupi? And, if not, is there any other way to be sure that they're both the same device?


  • Here I posted the code how to find Wiimote connected as HID using its MAC. You have to rework that code so it can use your HID device (change VID and PID).