
LRU Cache Evict method implementation

If we are implementing a LRU cache using HashMap and DoublyLinkedList, What is the best way to implement evict() method with O(1) time complexity?


  • LinkedList from Java didn't expose the Node type (which is a private static inner class).

    So you can't remove it in in O(1), because a sequential scan is required.

    To get O(1), you need to be able to access the Node type, so that could remove it without scan.

    You have to write it by yourself. Fortunately, a doubly linked list is relatively easy to write, and it's a pretty beneficial & fun task to do.

    How to remove with a given Node?

    Refer to this answer:

    The method -> removeNode() remove a given node, without sequential scan.

    The code in this answer is for a singly linked list, the remove for a doubly linked list is even simpler in some case.



    @Update LinkedHashMap

    java.util.LinkedHashMap, is a combination of hashtable & doubly linked list.


    It can be used to impl some kind of cache, though I am not sure will it be fully qualified for your requirement.