
Change the colour and size of my HTML Eventbrite button

Eventbrite have given me an HTML code button to embed onto my Thrive Architect website which I have done. However, the button is tiny, and grey, and doesn't stand out. So I need to change the colour of the button to green and I need to make the size of the button bigger. Also I'd love to make the font bold.

Here is the code they gave me, which I need to customise (I have been trying to customise it for over 24 hours, done extensive research and tried it my way but whenever I change anything in the code and I save it, this appears next to the button "[/tcb-noscript]

<!-- Noscript content for added SEO --> <noscript><a href="…" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></noscript> <!-- You can customize this button any way you like --> <button id="eventbrite-widget-modal-trigger-57878905364" type="button">Buy Tickets</button> <noscript></a>Buy Tickets on Eventbrite</noscript>
<script src=""></…> <script type="text/javascript"> var exampleCallback = function() { console.log('Order complete!'); }; window.EBWidgets.createWidget({ widgetType: 'checkout', eventId: '57878905364', modal: true, modalTriggerElementId: 'eventbrite-widget-modal-trigger-57878905364', onOrderComplete: exampleCallback }); </script>


  • You just need to add some CSS that targets this element. Grab the ID of the button, and include underneath how you want your button to look like. Like so:

    #eventbrite-widget-modal-trigger-57878905364 {
      font-size: 2rem;
      background: green;
      color: white;
      border: 0;
      border-radius: 25px;
      padding: 5px 20px;
    <!-- HTML only cut down for the example -->
    <button id="eventbrite-widget-modal-trigger-57878905364" type="button">Buy Tickets</button>