
Speed Up Video Processing time FFMPEG while adding multiple images to Video

I am trying to overlay multiple images to the video at certain time interval... but the processing time is too much for a video length of 1 minute. I used VideoKit Library for it. Here is my code for adding multiple images to Video.

 String[] command = {"-i", inputPath, 
                "-i", imagePath1,"-i", imagePath2,"-i",imagePath3,
                "-map", "[v3]",  outputPath};

Is there any faster processing library for video processing.


  • I just added two more tags to make processing faster.

    String[] command = {"-i", inputPath, 
    \"-i", imagePath1,"-i", imagePath2,"-i",imagePath3,
    "-map", "[v3]",
    **"-preset", "ultrafast",**  outputPath};