
DeepCopy Object in JavaScript using immer

I am using immer to transform react/redux state. Can I also use immer to just deep copy an object without transforming it?

import produce, {nothing} from "immer"

const state = {
    hello: "world"

produce(state, draft => {})
produce(state, draft => undefined)
// Both return the original state: { hello: "world"}

This is from the official immer README. Does this mean that passing an empty function to produce returns a deep copy of the original state or actually the original state?

Thank you very much for your help :)!


  • This is easily testable with

    import { produce } from 'immer'
    const state = {
      hello: 'world',
    const nextState = produce(state, draft => {})
    nextState.hello = 'new world'
    console.log(state, nextState)

    which outputs

    Object { hello: "new world" }
    Object { hello: "new world" }

    which means that it does NOT create a deep copy of an object.


    So I got interested and tested out the library a lot and here are my findings.

    The code snippet I wrote above is simply an optimisation in the library which returns the old state if no changes are made. However, if you make some changes, then the library starts functioning as intended and the mutation later is made impossible. That is,

    const state = {
      hello: 'world',
    const nextState = produce(state, draft => {
      draft.hello = 'new world';
    nextState.hello = 'newer world';
    console.log(state, nextState)

    will result in an error: TypeError: "world" is read-only

    Which means that your newState is immutable and you can no longer perform mutations on it.

    Another rather interesting thing I found is that immer fails when using class instances. That is,

    class Cls {
      prop = 10;
    const instance = new Cls();
    const obj = {
      r: instance,
    const newObj = produce(obj, draft => {
      draft.r.prop = 15;
    console.log(obj, newObj);

    results in

    r: Object { prop: 15 }
    r: Object { prop: 15 }

    So to get back to the initial question, can you get a deep copy of the initial Object by changing nothing in the draft. No you cannot, and even if you did (by changing a property created just to fool immer perhaps), the resultant cloned object will be immutable and not really helpful.