
merging 2 unequal column size rowsets in u sql

I have a rowsetA with 3 columns. I need to add this rowsetA to an existing rowsetB which has the above 3 columns as well as other columns. How can I add/union above 2 rowsets such that rowsetA will have null/empty/default values for other columns present in rowsetB?


  • The easiest way is to add default null values in rowsetA when doing UNION with rowsetB.

    @rowsetA = EXTRACT A string,
    B string,
    C string 
    FROM @path 
    USING Extractors.Csv();
    @rowsetB = EXTRACT A string,
    B string,
    C string,
    D string,
    E string
    FROM @path1
    USING Extractors.Csv();
    @union = SELECT A,B,C,null AS D,null AS E FROM @rowsetA
    SELECT A,B,C,D,E FROM @rowsetB;

    This way you will have null value on missing columns. Note for other data types such as DateTime,int,etc, you just put default(int?) instead of null.

    Hope this helps