
Get MAC address from VLAN1 from server on VLAN2

got a networking question for everyone. Got VOIP phones on VLAN1. Got a server on VLAN2. So using a layer 2 switch is it possible to get the MAC address using ARP from a phone on VLAN1 from the server on VLAN2 ? My research says it needs a layer3 switch. Is there a way around this ?


  • ARP is used in L3, which provides the MAC address to IP addresses binding. Yes, if you have 2 local VLANs that want to talk to each other, you will need a L3 device such as a L3 switch.

    From the layer 3 device:

    show ip arp | include "IP Address of phone"
    show mac address-table | inlcude "MAC Address"

    For communication between 2 different VLANs, you will need a L3 device to perform the routing.