
What type of object is $<drivename>: (such as `$code:`) in Powershell?

I was using tab autocompletion for a variable name in Powershell 5.1 today and noticed that one of the choices was the name of a PSDrive. The drive name is docs and I wanted to expand is called $document_name. When I typed $do<tab>, the shell did indeed expand what I had typed to $document_name but for some reason, I typed <tab> a second time and that's when the expanded text changed to $docs:.

I explored further and found that this type of variable exists for each of my PSDrives, or at least tab expansion suggests that it does.

More formally, for every PSDrive PSD, tab expansion believes that $PSD: is a valid thing.

My question is simple: what the heck are these? Here are some observations I've made so far:

Fetch the contents of the file.

λ  ${code:\readme.txt}
Hello, world!

Just to prove that the type of the above result is String:

λ  ${code:\readme.txt} | % { $_.GetType().Name }

Trying to use this as a reference to the PSDrive doesn't work well for many operations, such as cd:

λ  cd ${code:}
At line:1 char:4
+ cd ${code:}
+    ~~~~~~~~
Variable reference is not valid. The variable name is missing.
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidBracedVariableReference

I could go on, but I'm stumped. If I pass $code: (or $env:, for that matter) to Get-Member, I get an error saying Variable reference is not valid.

So just what the heck are "variables" like $env and $<PSDrive>: (such as $code:)? Are they expressions? Built-in expressions? Some kind of object? Thanks for any help.


  • What you're seeing is namespace variable notation, which is a variable-based way to access the content of items in PowerShell drives whose underlying provider implements content-based access (i.e., implements the IContentCmdletProvider interface).

    Terminology and documentation note:

    The general syntax is:

    ${<drive>:<path>}       # same as: Get-Content <drive>:<path>
    ${<drive>:<path>} = ... # same as: Set-Content <drive>:<path> -Value ...

    The enclosing {...} aren't necessary if both the <drive> name and the <path> can syntactically serve as a variable name; e.g.:

    $env:HOME  # no {...} needed
    ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} # {...} needed due to "(" and ")"

    In practice, as of Windows PowerShell v5.1, the following in-box drive providers support namespace variable notation:

    Of these, the Env: drive is by far the most frequently used with namespace variable notation, even though most users aren't aware of what underlies an environment-variable references such as $env:HOME.

    On occasion you see it used with a filesystem drive - e.g., ${c:\foo\file.txt} - but the fact that you can only use literal paths and that you cannot control the character encoding limits its usefulness.

    It allows interesting uses, however; e.g.:

    PS> $alias:foreach  # Get the definition of alias 'foreach'
    PS> $function:prompt # Get the body of the 'prompt' function
    "PS $($executionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation)$('>' * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) ";
    # .Link
    # https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=225750
    # .ExternalHelp System.Management.Automation.dll-help.xml
    # Define a function foo that echoes 'hi' and invoke it.
    PS> $function:foo = { 'hi' }; foo


    [1] Previously, the feature wasn't documented at all; GitHub docs issue #3343 led to the current documentation, albeit not in the way that said issue proposed.