First of all: I am fairly new to VBA, so please excuse me if the question is rather trivial, but this mistake has been keeping me busy all day - I have absolutely no clue.
I am working on a small macro to look through a folder, count the files and fill a 2d array with the full file name and a specific section of the name. So I am creating an array in my main sub and call the function that takes the empty array as a parameter and fills it.
My macro looks somewhat like this:
Private Sub whatever()
Dim arr(10, 2) As String
Dim count As Integer
CheckFolder(arr, "somepath", count)
End Sub
Sub CheckFolder(ByRef arr() As String, strPath As String, count As Integer)
Dim fso, oFolder, oSubfolder, oFile, queue As Collection
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim fileCount As Integer
Dim temp(10, 2) As String
fileCount = 1
WriteToLog "zähle Files in Ordner " & strPath & "... "
Dim path As String
path = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\" & strPath
Set queue = New Collection
queue.Add fso.GetFolder(path) '- Pfad zum Ordner
Do While queue.count > 0
Set oFolder = queue(1)
FolderName = fso.GetFileName(oFolder)
queue.Remove 1 'dequeue
For Each oSubfolder In oFolder.SubFolders
queue.Add oSubfolder 'enqueue
Next oSubfolder
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
Filename = fso.GetFileName(oFile)
'- my guess is the next two line are the problem?
temp(fileCount, 1) = Filename
temp(fileCount, 2) = StringCutter(Filename)
fileCount = fileCount + 1
Next oFile
arr = temp
count = fileCount
End Sub
I am not sure, but I think that those two lines are the problem (as the rest of the logic worked perfectly fine before)
temp(fileCount, 1) = Filename
temp(fileCount, 2) = StringCutter(Filename)
The function "StringCutter" that is called here, returned a substring of the filename. I tested that function before and I works, so I don't think it is causing any problem.
I would be much appreciated if someone could tell me where my mistake is.
EDIT: this is the StringCutter function, that takes a string and cuts out a certain portion of it and returns this portion. As mentioned before, this function works perfectly fine when I use it outside of filling an array.
Function StringCutter(str As String) As String
Dim ret As String
Dim retLen As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
retLen = Len(str)
ret = Right(str, (retLen - 31))
pos = InStr(ret, "_")
If (pos > 0) Then
ret = Left(ret, (pos - 1))
ret = Left(ret, 4)
End If
StringCutter = ret
End Function
I hope that helps
I think I figured it out! I was using the variable "Filename" which I guess is from the oFile element, because I didn't create it. Maybe that's why the types weren't compatible. Creating a Dim fileName AS String and using this variable here:
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
fileName = fso.GetFileName(oFile)
temp(fileCount, 1) = fileName
temp(fileCount, 2) = StringCutter(fileName)
fileCount = fileCount + 1
Next oFile
solved the problem. Thank you all for your help! :)