
How to compile custom PulseAudio module?

I am trying to write a PulseAudio module. To start, first, I wrote the following minimal code for a module as mentioned by this documentation.

#include <pulsecore/module.h>
int pa__init(pa_module *m)
    return 0;

I tried compiling it with this command:

gcc -g -shared -o module-test.c

But it gives error:

 pulsecore/module.h: No such file or directory
 #include <pulsecore/module.h>
 compilation terminated.

After searching on the internet, I found that I have to installed libpulse-dev, but I have already installed pulseaudio and libpulse-dev as you can see below.

jyotesh@jyotesh-VM:~$ sudo apt install pulseaudio libpulse-dev
[sudo] password for jyotesh: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
libpulse-dev is already the newest version (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.2).
pulseaudio is already the newest version (1:11.1-1ubuntu7.2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded.

I have tried searching for the header file using locate, find, apt-file, etc. I am not able to find where this header file is.

Does anyone know how to compile the PulseAudio module?


  • I was able to compile the code and build file by following the steps from here and here. I will repeat the steps here:

    First, I built and installed PulseAudio v12.2 from the source code.

    # Clone PulseAudio git repository
    git clone
    # I wanted 12.2 version of PulseAudio, so I checked out that version
    cd pulseaudio
    git checkout tags/v12.2
    # Install the dependencies
    sudo apt-get -y build-dep pulseaudio
    # Build PulseAudio source code
    # Install and configure dynamic linker run-time bindings (so that
    # ld can find the libraries that you specify while building your module)
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig

    After this, I wrote minimal code for a module.

    #include <config.h> // this is required, otherwise you will get compilation errors
    #include <pulsecore/module.h>
    int pa__init(pa_module *m)
        return 0;

    To compile this, I used the command

    gcc -g -shared -fPIC -I/home/jyotesh/pulseaudio -I/home/jyotesh/pulseaudio/src -L/home/jyotesh/pulseaudio/.libs -L/usr/local/lib/pulseaudio -o module-test.c -lpulsecore-12.2 -lpulsecommon-12.2 -lpulse