
Rails 3, make exception links clickable and open in editor (textmate)

I have a Rails 3 installation running on a remote development server. Is it possible to make the exception lines clickable and open in an editor like textmate on my local maschine? I would save a lot of time if I did not have to manually open textmate, find file and line number.

NoMethodError in Arts#index

Showing /home/demo1/app/widgets/art_widgets/list/display.html.erb where line #9 raised:

Best regards. Asbjørn Morell


  • Just found a great plugin that does exactly this! rails-stacktrace-textmate-linker-greasemonkey-script

    1. Install greasemonkey from here:

    2. Install rails-stacktrace-textmate-linker by clicking the link in the install section: This will load the greasemonkey-script.

    3. Go to Add-ons -> User Scripts -> Right click the Rails Stacktrace Linker and click edit.

    4. Edit line 37 and 49. You will need to add the path to your rails Application.

      ... href='txmt://open?url=file:///Users/atmorell/Dropbox/MorellusWallace/", ...

    Reload your application in firefox and enjoy nice clickable stacktrace that opens in textmate :)