
Flanneld: error registering network: cannot finding network with management IP

I'm setting up a mixed-mode kubernetes cluster (CentOS7 master, WS2019 worker) using Flannel in overlay (VXLAN) mode. I've gotten through the Microsoft Kubernetes for Windows Instructions but when I kick off start.ps1 I'm stuck in the "Waiting for the Network to be created" loop referenced here. Launching flanneld directly per their instructions, I get the following error:

E0306 16:43:21.218797 2576 main.go:289] Error registering network: Cannot find network with Management IP [IPAddrofWorkerNIC].

The IP referenced is the main IP of the worker on the "Ethernet" NIC as called per the --iface argument to flanneld.

The master and worker are both Hyper-v VMs off of a Win10 1809 box with MAC spoofing enabled. I confirmed that 6433/tcp, 10250/tcp, 4096/udp, and 4789/udp are opened in firewalld of the master. I also tried again after disabling firewalld, with no change, so I don't think the issue is on the master side.

I tried digging through the flanneld Go code at the referenced line 289 for clues but I'm not familiar with Go and had to concede defeat.

Any ideas why I would be getting this error?


  • Apparently I didn't read the requirements closely enough. Flannel VXLAN on Windows isn't supported until Kubernetes 1.14 which will release March 25.

    Overlay networking: use Flannel in vxlan mode to configure a virtual overlay network
    -     requires either Windows Server 2019 with KB4482887 installed or Windows Server vNext Insider Preview Build 18317+
    -     requires Kubernetes v1.14 (or above) with WinOverlay feature gate enabled
    -     requires Flannel v0.11.0 (or above)