For the Church encoding N
of positive integers, one can define a recursion principle nat_rec
Definition N : Type :=
forall (X:Type), X->(X->X)->X.
Definition nat_rec (z:N)(s:N->N)(n:N) : N :=
n N z s.
What is the recursion principle equal_rec
for the following Church encoding equal
of equality?
Definition equal (x:A) : A->Type :=
fun x' => forall (P:A->Type), P x -> P x'.
Definition equal_rec (* ... *)
Like the case of natural numbers, the recursion principle is simply an eta expansion:
Definition equal (A:Type) (x:A) : A->Type :=
fun x' => forall (P:A->Type), P x -> P x'.
Definition equal_rec (A:Type) (x y : A) (e : equal x y) (P : A -> Type) : P x -> P y :=
e P.