I am using the Apache Directory API to query an OpenLDAP server. I think this code should return the results sorted by sn
but they are returned in random order.
SearchRequest req = new SearchRequestImpl();
SortRequest sortRequest = new SortRequestControlImpl();
sortRequest.addSortKey(new SortKey("sn"));
try (EntryCursor cursor = new EntryCursorImpl(connection.search(req))) {
for (Entry entry : cursor) {
System.out.println("sn: " + entry.get("sn").getString());
The output of this code from the data in my test LDAP Server is:
sn: Trainee
sn: Admin
sn: User
sn: Supervisor
sn: Supervisor
I based the code on this Integration test https://github.com/apache/directory-server/blob/master/server-integ/src/test/java/org/apache/directory/server/operations/search/SortedSearchIT.java and I can't see what I have done wrong.
Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks.
After much digging, I had to do two things to get this to work.
First add sssvlv support to my OpenLDAP server
This is the ldif
dn: cn=module{0}, cn=config
changetype: modify
add: olcModuleLoad
olcModuleLoad: sssvlv.la
dn: olcOverlay=sssvlv,olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: olcSssVlvConfig
olcSssVlvMax: 10
olcSssVlvMaxKeys: 5
Then I had to specify the Matching Rule ID for the sort key
SortKey sk = new SortKey( "sn", SchemaConstants.NUMERIC_STRING_ORDERING_MATCH_MR_OID);
Hopefully this will help someone!