
Pull request review from user without access to repo

I've been getting frequent emails saying something like...

Hello, please review and approve this PR (link)

...only to be served a 404 from octobiwan. Inevitably I'll reply...

I don't seem to have access to this repo, can you make sure you've sent me the correct link and that you've granted me appropriate permissions?

...and hear back...

How do I grant you permissions?

I would like to say in general...

Please don't email me anymore. You can request a review from me by selecting my name from the drop-down. If you don't see my name, then I can't review it and you need to get an admin to grant me access to do so first.

Intuitively I expect that you can only request a review from someone who has access to complete the review; and a few spot checks appear to confirm this behavior. However, since I can't find anything explicitly confirming this, I wanted to ask the internet:

Can you request a GitHub code review from a user without access to complete it?

...and is there official wording somewhere that this is or is not the case? Is the following row from the org permissions matrix as explicit as it gets?

| Repository action      |     Read    |    Write    |    Admin    |    Owner    |
|                        | permissions | permissions | permissions | permissions |
| …                                                                              
| Submit reviews on pull |      X      |      X      |      X      |      X      |
| requests               |             |             |             |             |


  • The following documentation states that you can only request a PR if someone has read-only access. This would imply they should stop sending you emails directly and use the feature that automatically sends an email request once they are assigned.

    Repository owners and collaborators can request a pull request review from anyone with read access to the repository. Organization members can also request a pull request review from teams with read access to the repository. The requested reviewer or team will receive a notification that you asked them to review the pull request.