I have several series, and I need to disable tracker for some of them only. How do I do that?
<oxy:AreaSeries ItemsSource="{Binding PowerValues}" Smooth="False" StrokeThickness="1" Foreground="#6B303030" Color="White" Color2="#00000000"
Fill="{StaticResource FillColor}" BrokenLineColor="Red"></oxy:AreaSeries>
<oxy:StairStepSeries ItemsSource="{Binding PowerTemplateMax}" Smooth="False" StrokeThickness="2" Color="Green" IsManipulationEnabled="False">
<oxy:StairStepSeries ItemsSource="{Binding PowerTemplateMin}" Smooth="False" StrokeThickness="2" Color="Yellow"></oxy:StairStepSeries>
should have the trakcer, when both StairStepSeries
should not.
One way to achieve this using a Custom Tracker, which is invisible. For example, You could define your tracker as.
<oxy:TrackerDefinition TrackerKey="InvisibleTracker">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" Visibility="Collapsed"/>
Notice you have set the visibility of TextBlock
as Collapsed
. You can now set the TrackerKey for the series for which you need to hide the Tracker to "InvisibleTracker". This would ensure tracker is not visible for those series.