
csvkit in2csv - how to convert a single json object to two-column csv

Looking for a one liner with csvkit.

From a plain json object

  "whatever": 2342,
  "otherwise": 119,
  "and": 1,
  "so": 2,
  "on": 3

Want this csv


I basically want this command to work, but it doesn't.

echo $the_json | in2csv -f json
> When converting a JSON document with a top-level dictionary element, a key must be specified.

Seems like something csvkit can do, and I just haven't found the right options.


  • short answer

    variant A: in2csv (csvkit) + csvtool

    echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -I -f json | csvtool transpose -

    variant B: use jq instead

    This is a solution using only jq: (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/)

    echo "$the_json" | jq -r 'to_entries[] | [.key, .value] | @csv'

    taken from How to map an object to arrays so it can be converted to csv?

    long answer (csvkit + csvtool)

    the input

    in2csv -f json expects a list of JSON objects, so you need to wrap the single object ({...}) into square brackets ([{...}]).

    On POSIX compatible shells, write

    echo "[$the_json]"

    which will print

      "whatever": 2342,
      "otherwise": 119,
      "and": 1,
      "so": 2,
      "on": 3

    the csvkit command

    You may pipe the above data directly into in2csv. However, you might run into issues with the ā€type inferenceā€œ (CSV data interpretation) feature of csvkit:

    $ echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -f json

    1 has become True. For details, see the Tips and Troubleshooting part of the docs. It's suggested to turn off type inference using the -I option:

    $ echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -I -f json

    Now the result is as expected

    transpose the data

    Still, you need to transpose the data. The csvkit docs say:

    To transpose CSVs, consider csvtool.

    (csvtool is available on github, opam, debian and probably other distribution channels.)

    Using csvkit + csvtool, your final command looks like this:

    echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -I -f json | csvtool transpose -

    with the hyphen (-) meaning to take the data from stdin. This is the result:


    that's it.

    I think there is no one-liner solution with csvtool only, you'll need in2csv. You may, however, use jq instead, see the short answer.

    FTR, I'm using csvkit version 1.0.3.