According to mocha-allure docs, if you want to use allure outside of before/beforeEach you should import the reporter directly. Or once added mocha-allure-reporter will create global allure object with the following API:
However I followed the example in the docs, but i get Cannot find name 'allure'.
, when using it in either the before or afterEach.
test file:
// const allure = require('mocha-allure-reporter'); // also tried this
describe( 'test', () => {
// code
before(async () => {
// code here
afterEach('first step', function () {
const testStep = allure.createStep('initial', () => {
console.log('create step');
mochaOpts: {
reporterOptions: {
mochaAllureReporterReporterOptions: {
targetDir: './reports/allure-results',
Try the below one
const allure = require('mocha-allure-reporter');
allure is a global identifier, injected by reporter to your code.
Add the following line to the top of your file to tell Typescript about it
declare const allure: any;
Hope it helps you