I am trying to enable the mouse scrolling functionality in my local (non-ssh) byobu installation.
What I have tried doing :
Pressing F7 and scrolling with the mouse results in the following
Changed my ~/.tmux.conf to
set -ga terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
set-option -g mouse on
Nothing seems to enable mouse scrolling. I have read pretty much all information on StackOverflow & Google to no avail.
You're modifying the incorrect tmux config for byobu.
Add the following line to the file ~/.byobu/.tmux.conf
set-option -g mouse on
Press F5 to reload your byobu profile (or start a new session). With iTerm 2 "Report mouse wheel events" enabled (the default), you should be able to mouse scroll your byobu sessions.