DiagnosticAnalyzer from same solution by reference

I have a DiagnosticAnalyzer and a CodeFixProvider in a class library, In other words a Roslyn Analyzer. I can Nuget package or Vsix package it but I never plan to publish it and I only need to use it in an single mono solution. I was hoping that simply adding the class library as a reference would treat the class library as an "Analyzer" like it would being Nuget installed but it doesn't. Is it possible to use the DiagnosticAnalyzer from the same solution?


  • You can add an analyzer by referencing a dll, which should work with one you've built yourself.

    Related Question

    Screenshot of Add Analyzer

    Edit: For .NET Core and .NET Standard projects that don't have tooling as stated here manually add this snippet to your .csproj

      <Analyzer Include="path\to\Analyzer.dll" />