I've been struggling to figure out how I'm meant to configure MassTransit and our new dedicated cloudamqp instance to work with SSL (note:everything is working without SSL fine).
I tried adding the UseSsl line in the code below, which I found in some old documentation, but that didn't work:
var bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(sbc =>
var host = sbc.Host(new Uri(messageBusConfiguration["Host"]), h =>
h.UseSsl(s => {});
In cloudamqp I've set it to allow ampqs too and my services/APIs are setup and running in IIS using HTTPs without any issues.
I suspect I'm missing something fundamental here but I can't find any documentation on it.
This works for me, note that the port must be specified.
var busControl = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(x =>
var host = x.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://wombat.rmq.cloudamqp.com:5671/your_vhost/"), h =>
h.UseSsl(s =>
s.Protocol = SslProtocols.Tls12;
x.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "input_queue", e =>
await busControl.StartAsync(new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)).Token);
await busControl.StopAsync();