I just started playing around with Blazor and I can already see the great potential of this new framework.
I'm wondering, though, how it will handle doing simple things like setting focus on an input control? For instance, after I handle a click event, I want to set the focus to a text input control. Do I have to use JQuery for something like that, or will Blazor have some built-in methods for that sort of thing?
Update: I posted an answer below with an example of how to set the focus to a control by invoking a JavaScript function from the .Net code.
As of right now (Blazor 0.9.0) you create your JavaScript functions in the Index.html (or reference them from Index.html) and then in your Blazor page or component you call JsRuntime.InvokeAsync("functionName", parms);
I want to add a more up-to-date (as of 0.9.0) example of calling a JavaScript function to set the focus to another control after some event, like clicking on a button. This might be helpful for someone just starting out with Blazor (like me).
This example builds on the example code in the Blazor documentation "Build Your First Blazor Components App" at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/build-your-first-razor-components-app?view=aspnetcore-3.0
First, follow all the instructions in the documentation. When you have a working To-Do List page, then add the following:
window.MySetFocus = (ctrl) => {
return true;
@inject IJSRuntime JsRuntime;
async void Focus(string controlId)
var obj = JsRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>(
"MySetFocus", controlId);
void AddTodo()
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newTodo))
todos.Add(new TodoItem { Title = newTodo });
newTodo = string.Empty;
Focus("todoItem"); // this is the new code