
How do I sign my app bundle for Google play?

I am new to Android development, I just created a free little app that I would like to publish on the Google Play Store. I already uploaded my app bundle to the developer console, but I lack the signing process. I think the missing step is, from the developers tutorial, this one:

$ keytool -export -rfc -keystore your-upload-keystore.jks -alias upload-alias -file output_upload_certificate.pem

What should I replace "your-upload-keystore.jks", "upload-alias", and "output_upload_certificate.pem" with? Furthermore, I haven't an .pem certificate, I just have the two .der certificates: deployment and upload that Google sent me. Am I missing something? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • If you don't already have a Keystore, you should go in Android Studio and go in Build > Generate Signed Apk or Bundle and click on "Create new", Write a name an alias and everything that the Keystore needs.

    IMPORTANT: Don't forget to save your alias name and password somewhere, because you'll need theese things next time you'll use the Keystore.

    IMPORTANT2: Once you signed the App, do a backup of the keystore, it's very important and if you lose it, you will not be able to update your own app, because Google App Store will request the same Keystore that you used for the first upload of your App, so don't forget, do a multiple backup and remember the alias and password.

    If you have already a Keystore you should just select the Keystore instead creating a new one and insert the Alias Key and the Password, that's all!