I am really new to python and GMM. I learned GMM recently and trying to implement the codes from here
I met some problems when I run gmm.sample() method:
gmm16 = GaussianMixture(n_components=16, covariance_type='full', random_state=0)
Xnew = gmm16.sample(400,random_state=42)
plt.scatter(Xnew[:, 0], Xnew[:, 1])
the error shows:
TypeError: sample() got an unexpected keyword argument 'random_state'
I have checked the latest document and find out the method sample should only contain n which indicates that the number of samples to generate. But when I delete 'random_state=42', new error appears:
Xnew = gmm16.sample(400)
plt.scatter(Xnew[:, 0], Xnew[:, 1])
TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not tuple
Does anyone meet this problem when you implement the codes from Jake VanderPlas? How could I fix it?
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You get the TypeError
because the sample
method returns a tuple
, see here.
This should do the job:
Xnew, Ynew = gmm16.sample(400) # if Ynew is valuable
plt.scatter(Xnew[:, 0], Xnew[:, 1])
Xnew, _ = gmm16.sample(400) # if Ynew isn't valuable
plt.scatter(Xnew[:, 0], Xnew[:, 1])