
Using imline with uiaxes

I am trying to design an app using Matlab 2017b with appdesigner. I want to attach a movable line to an image using the imline function. However, appdesigner appear to use a new type of object, uiaxes, whereas the imline function will only use the object axes.

Example of command that does work:

figure; taxes = axes;  imline(taxes, [0 0], [0 1]);

Example of a command that does not work:

figure; tuiaxes = uiaxes;  imline(tuiaxes, [0 0], [0 1]);


Is there a workaround for using imline with appdesigner? Is it still possible to use the old axes object? Is there some other way to have interactive lines on GUIs using the appdesigner?


  • To access the underlying "old axes object" of a uiaxes, all we need to do is struct(tuiaxes).Axes. Moving on - I tried playing around with this in R2018b, and I have some good and some bad news.

    Here are the very basic steps:

    1. Create a copy of imline.m, let's call it ui_imline.m.
    2. Comment out lines 260-261 (related to cmenu), and line 317 (updateAncestorListeners(...)).
    3. Modify your code as follows:

      uifigure; tuiaxes = uiaxes; ui_imline(struct(tuiaxes).Axes, [0 0], [0 1]);

    This will result in:

    enter image description here

    If you want any other functionality besides dragging, you'll likely have to rewrite all uifigure-incompatible bits of imline yourself, or wait for an unknown future release that would do it for you.