
File opencv_cudaoptflow340.lib missing

I have compiled opencv3.4.0 with cuda9.1 support using CMake on Windows 10:

enter image description here

and then I built the INSTALL file in visual studio 2015 in OpenCV.sln.

But this is my Release folder:

enter image description here

The file opencv_cudaoptflow340.lib is not anywhere in C drive, however it should be in C:\opencv_3.4.0\opencv\build\lib\Release. How can I build opencv so that these library and dll files are generated?


  • You build opencv_worldxxx.lib all is inside as well in opencv_worldxxx.dll. You can unmark the option in Cmake related to opencv_world library. Than the libs and dll will be in separate files. Marked world all is in that single file. Unmarked option generates opencv_core opencv_videoio opencv_ml .lib .dll. You can decide one or another. There is difference in link one library or several libraries and consider this in packaging of your app. build in Cmake