
Real-time location plotting on map

I am working on a personal project where I want to analyse some data in real-time, my question is what can I use in order to display geo locations on map, in real-time?

I would like to have this done in React or Angular.

To be more clear:

  1. I get some filtered tweets from twitter streaming API

  2. I do some analysing stuff on each tweet

  3. Here I want to plot geo locations on maps, the main features I would like to have are real-time visualisation, date range visualisation (for example if I select "last 24 hours" the map will display only locations for tweets which were processed in last 24 hours, beside these, it would be great if I could do some "time lapse" for a specific date range.


  • You can use any of these for overlaying data onto maps:

    1. Google maps
    2. Leafletjs
    3. Mapbox