
Flask-RESTful vs Flask-RESTplus

Other than the ability to automatically generate an interactive documentation for our API using Swagger UI, are there any real advantages of using Flask-RESTplus over Flask-RESTful?


  • update When reading this accepted answer, consider that there is Flask-RESTX which is a fork of Flask-RESTPlus that is maintained, as an alternative option.

    I am aware of the fact that this answer is probably too late, but it still might be helpful in the future.

    According to https://github.com/noirbizarre/flask-restplus/issues/593, the Flask Restplus is most probably dead and abandoned. The last commit was on October 1, 2018. It looks like the project is not being actively maintained anymore.

    Therefore, I advise that you use Flask Restful despite the auto generated Swagger docs in Restplus. Since Restplus is not maintained, it is most likely that the implementation will sooner or later go out of date. Rather than switching to Restful once Restplus goes out of date, I think starting off with Restful itself would be the better idea here.

    Just my two cents... :)