I am following SE Thread to get some response to HTTP POST on an express node. But unable to get any response from kapacitor.
I am using Windows 10 via PowerShell.
I am connected to an InfluxDB internal Server which is mentioned in the kapacitor.conf
and have a TICKscript to stream data via it.
hostname = ""
data_dir = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor"
skip-config-overrides = true
default-retention-policy = ""
persist-topics = true
bind-address = ":9092"
auth-enabled = false
log-enabled = true
write-tracing = false
pprof-enabled = false
https-enabled = false
https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/kapacitor.pem"
https-private-key = ""
shutdown-timeout = "10s"
shared-secret = ""
dir = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\replay"
boltdb = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\kapacitor.db"
dir = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\tasks"
snapshot-interval = "1m0s"
enabled = false
dir = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\load"
enabled = true
name = "DB5Server"
default = true
urls = ["https://influxdb.internal.server.address:8086"]
username = "user"
password = "password"
ssl-ca = ""
ssl-cert = ""
ssl-key = ""
insecure-skip-verify = true
timeout = "0s"
disable-subscriptions = true
subscription-protocol = "https"
subscription-mode = "cluster"
kapacitor-hostname = ""
http-port = 0
udp-bind = ""
udp-buffer = 1000
udp-read-buffer = 0
startup-timeout = "5m0s"
subscriptions-sync-interval = "1m0s"
_kapacitor = ["autogen"]
file = "STDERR"
level = "DEBUG"
enabled = true
endpoint = "kapacitor"
url = "http://localhost:1440"
headers = { Content-Type = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"}
alert-template = "{\"id\": {{.ID}}}"
The daemon runs without any problems.
dbrp "DBTEST"."autogen"
.info(lambda: TRUE)
.\kapacitor.exe define bc_1 -tick test2.tick
.\kapacitor.exe enable bc_1
The status shows nothing:
.\kapacitor.exe show bc_1
ID: bc_1
Type: stream
Status: enabled
Executing: true
Created: 13 Mar 19 15:33 CET
Modified: 13 Mar 19 16:23 CET
LastEnabled: 13 Mar 19 16:23 CET
Databases Retention Policies: ["NIMBLE"."autogen"]
dbrp "TESTDB"."autogen"
.info(lambda: TRUE)
digraph bc_1 {
graph [throughput="0.00 points/s"];
stream0 [avg_exec_time_ns="0s" errors="0" working_cardinality="0" ];
stream0 -> from1 [processed="0"];
from1 [avg_exec_time_ns="0s" errors="0" working_cardinality="0" ];
from1 -> alert2 [processed="0"];
alert2 [alerts_inhibited="0" alerts_triggered="0" avg_exec_time_ns="0s" crits_triggered="0" errors="0" infos_triggered="0" oks_triggered="0" warns_triggered="0" working_cardinality="0" ];
The Daemon logs provide this for the task
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.640+01:00 lvl=debug msg="starting enabled task on startup" service=task_store task=bc_1
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.677+01:00 lvl=debug msg="starting task" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=bc_1
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.678+01:00 lvl=info msg="started task" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=bc_1
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.679+01:00 lvl=debug msg="listing dot" service=kapacitor task_master=main dot="digraph bc_1 {\nstream0 -> from1;\nfrom1 -> alert2;\n}"
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.679+01:00 lvl=debug msg="started task during startup" service=task_store task=bc_1
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.680+01:00 lvl=debug msg="opened service" source=srv service=*task_store.Service
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.680+01:00 lvl=debug msg="opening service" source=srv service=*replay.Service
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.681+01:00 lvl=debug msg="skipping recording, metadata is already correct" service=replay recording_id=353d8417-285d-4fd9-b32f-15a82600f804
ts=2019-03-13T16:25:23.682+01:00 lvl=debug msg="skipping recording, metadata is already correct" service=replay recording_id=a8bb5c69-9f20-4f4d-8f84-109170b6f583
But I get nothing on the Express Node side. The code is exactly the same as that in the above mentioned SE thread.
Any Help as to how to capture stream from Kapacitor on HTTP Post? I already have a live system that is pushing information into the dedicated database already
I was able to shift focus from stream
to batch
in the above query. I have documented the complete process on medium.com.
Some Files:
hostname = "my-windows-10"
data_dir = "C:\\Users\\<user>\\.kapacitor"
skip-config-overrides = true
default-retention-policy = ""
persist-topics = true
bind-address = ":9092"
auth-enabled = false
log-enabled = true
write-tracing = false
pprof-enabled = false
https-enabled = false
https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/kapacitor.pem"
https-private-key = ""
shutdown-timeout = "10s"
shared-secret = ""
dir = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\replay"
boltdb = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\kapacitor.db"
dir = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\tasks"
snapshot-interval = "1m0s"
enabled = false
dir = "C:\\Users\\des\\.kapacitor\\load"
enabled = true
name = "default"
default = true
urls = [""]
username = ""
password = ""
ssl-ca = ""
ssl-cert = ""
ssl-key = ""
insecure-skip-verify = true
timeout = "0s"
disable-subscriptions = true
subscription-protocol = "http"
subscription-mode = "cluster"
kapacitor-hostname = ""
http-port = 0
udp-bind = ""
udp-buffer = 1000
udp-read-buffer = 0
startup-timeout = "5m0s"
subscriptions-sync-interval = "1m0s"
_kapacitor = ["autogen"]
file = "STDERR"
level = "DEBUG"
enabled = true
# Subsequent Section describes what this conf does
endpoint = "kap"
url = ""
headers = { "Content-Type" = "application/json"}
var data = batch
| query('SELECT "v" FROM "telegraf_test"."autogen"."humid"')
.\kapacitor.exe define batch_test -tick .\batch_test.tick -dbrp DBTEST.autogen
I suspect the hostname
was michieveous where it was set to localhost
previously but I set it my machine's hostname and instead used the IP address
whereever localhost
was mentioned